Men’s council is an opportunity to awaken old practices that have been lost for far too long. For thousands of years, our ancestors sat around the sacred fire with their fellow brothers to speak their truth and to make the deep commitment to listen to their fellow brothers with the grace they would expect for themselves. That is something that’s missing in our modern society and it’s time to awaken our inner cell memory and bring forth this ancient practice to support us in creating space for the new.

What Happens in Men’s Circle?

This is a space for men to gather as brothers, and sit in our truth while sharing whatever needs to be spoken. An opportunity to 'check in' and speak to where each of us is at. An invitation to share what's weighing on your heart, what you've been feeling and going through lately. The good, the bad, it is all welcome. This is an opportunity to stand in your truth while sharing whatever needs to be spoken.

All that is asked is that by attending one accepts the four agreements of circle work.

1. To listen from the heart. We will each spend most of our time in this space actively listening, rather than speaking. I ask that we do so with our whole being, with as much respect and dignity as one would expect for himself. It is a service to each other that we are holding space for, and with that comes letting go of our own stories and judgments

2. To speak from the heart, speak from the 'I'. This sounds simple, but it's amazing how many times we say "we or you" when relating our story. This unconscious habit is used to validate our actions or position, and may be looking for blame or some other external cause of our troubles. Speaking from the first person gives us full ownership over our emotions and actions, but it can take some conscious practice to become normal. Speaking from the heart means to let it flow, let it be true, and let what needs to be spoken come out.

3. Brevity, be lean of word. Naturally, there will be a time factor for each person to have space to share. Alongside this is the tendency to need to paint the picture and set the context for our stories to make sense, which is valid, but bear in mind that the fine details are less important in this space than what they mean to you, the feelings they bring up, and what's really happening for you.

4. Be spontaneous, no planning, and trust that what is meant to be said, will be said. When you preplan what you're going to say you can end up adding unnecessary layers to the story and miss out on opening up a few diamonds of thought, emotions, and realisations you weren't aware were there. Also, you truly can't be listening from the heart if you're busy planning what you're going to say before it's your turn. So get out of your own way and let it flow!

The Flow

Arrive at 130 pm if you wish to participate in the lighting of the sacred fire with a hand drill followed by ice baths for those keen to get cold and get out of the mind!

Once council begins, no others are to join, so please be there on time and stay until each man has shared.

We then share a meal to finish.

  • Please bring a plate to share if you can.

  • Towel and togs if you’d like to get cold.

  • A rug/chair to sit on as the ground can be damp.

Got questions? Reach out to us