Let’s support unity in our community, not segregation and division. We aim to unite the South Coast through support, connection, and collaboration. We want to make sure we have all the information about Covid and encourage everyone to do their own research. Making this decision needs information from more than one side.
Great idea but how do we do that?
We strongly believe in individual sovereignty and protecting our basic human rights.
By being a part of this group you join other like-minded individuals, in a safe and secure environment. We’re creating a place of support and learning where we can empower individuals to make their best life possible. A place to come around an online fire to share ideas, learning resources, new concepts, or just a general chat for those who are feeling lonely or disconnected.
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
We have been through a lot in recent years. First the fires and then covid. During and after the fires we experienced the very best in human nature within our already close knit community.
However, during covid with its restrictions and lockdowns, we have been very much isolated from each other. Isolated from those we would normally seek solace and support in times of stress, fear, and distress. While we can still communicate on the phone or via skype/zoom, etc., we have really missed out on that face-to-face contact. We have been unable to have the normal interaction we are used to from work, clubs, sports and recreation, close personal friends, and even with our family members.
During these times we’ve also seen four groups emerge. Those that have chosen not to be vaccinated, those that have been coerced out of necessity, and those who chose to get vaccinated but still believe in freedom of choice as a basic human right. Lastly, we have those who believe all should have it regardless of their personal choices.
We are against the forced mandates, the censorship, and the coercion that’s been rife through these events. So, if you see yourself somewhere in the first three groups we would love to have you join our group and help create this new future we all know is possible.
Ready to take the next step?
We want a movement of tens of thousands. We feel it's important to protect our sovereignty, connect with others, and start co-creating the world we wish to see, together!. After being separated and isolated from friends, family, and our community at large we are all about reconnecting, rebuilding, and reengaging with our fantastic community and rekindling our south coast spirit. We really are better together! If this view of a cohesive and harmonious community resonates with you then welcome